Save money on office furniture and equipment

At Streets Dyke Ruscoe we can advise businesses in the Shropshire area with a wide range of business issues. Here are some tips on saving money on office furniture and equipment...

Have you considered purchasing second-hand furniture or equipment for your offices?

A lot of second-hand office furniture and equipment is nearly new and not as unreliable as you might think, especially when purchased from trustworthy sources. And if you are concerned not to have anything but the best in your front offices, there still might be a place for second-hand items in the back offices.

The best place to buy is at specialist auctions, or online at auction sites such as Very often these are sales of stock from bankruptcies - and many businesses go bankrupt in the first year or two of trading so the equipment is often not that old.

Liquidators are another useful source. They generally offer larger consignments, and so you have a greater chance of acquiring matching furniture, spare parts, unspent warranties and so on, through them.

If you are in the Shropshire area and are looking for support and advice from an experienced team of accountants, contact Streets Dyke Ruscoe.

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